Judge 1
3rd Pick - Entry 33 - Derlin Zhang - "Why you have to..." - Canon 5D2
Quality 25/30
Creativity 30/30
Theme Adaptation
Overall Impression
POINT DEDUCTION: - 5 (watermark on entry)
Remarks: This photo plays with one of the basic rules of composition -- color. With a mixture of rustic and fire tones, it captivates you with blend of colors that are similar and related, yet at the same time, distinctive enough to isolate the subject from the background. A firely impression lands this on 3rd place.
2nd pick - Entry 40 - Paolo Tabirao - "Crown of Thorns" - Nikon D90
Quality 30/30
Creativity 25/30
Theme Adaptation
Overall Impression
Remark: A technical masterpiece! With an outstanding touch of the shutter speed and the shallow depth of field, it captures the flower and its supporting drops of water frozen perfectly in dramatic fashion.
1st pick - Entry 9 - Lara Juan - "Dancing Lady Orchid" - Nikon D5000
Quality 30/30
Creativity 20/20
Theme Adaptation
Overall Impression
Remark: Simply Perfect. Outstanding play of lights. Outstanding composition. This picture should set the benchmark for all other contests to come.
Judge 2
3rd pick - Entry 2 - Ric Tan - "Mimosa Pudica" - Canon Powershot SX40HS
Quality - 25/30
Creativity and Originality - 25/30
Theme Adaptation - 16/20
Overall Impact - 17/20
POINT DEDUCTION: - 5 (watermark on entry)
TOTAL - 78/100
Remark: Love the choice of flower, wonderful DOF - emphasizing the details of a very complex subject.
2nd pick - Entry 3 - Steven E. Kim Cheng - "Banana petals" - Canon 7D
Quality - 25/30
Creativity and Originality - 25/30
Theme Adaptation - 18/20
Overall Impression - 17/20
TOTAL - 85/100
Remark: Crisp, lovely subject, simple composition but very effective.
1st pick - Entry 10 - Jane Woodhouse - "Breath of fresh air" - Canon Powershot A470
Quality - 26/30
Creativity and Originality - 26/30
Theme Adaptation - 19/20
Overall Impression - 18/20
TOTAL - 89/100
Remark: Great element of design !!!
Judge 3
3nd pick - Entry 14 - Lennox Tpc - "Glowing through the darkness" - Canon 60D
Quality -29/30
Creativity and Originality - 26/30
Theme Adaptation - 19/20
Overall Impression - 17/20
TOTAL - 91/100
Remarks: Very good quality of the picture -- very sharp down to the core. The contrast is good but to me it sort of brought down the realistic presentation of a flower. The sunflower has been photographed many, many times by landscape photographers and this presentation has been "repeated" or "copied" many times before, as well. So, even though it is attractive in itself, one begins to realize that this has been "seen" before and thus lowers the essence of originality. There is no "depth" as you could probably feel because of the dark background. And your eyes seem to have been halted right there and instead one wonders what lies behind, or around it. However, it is a well-executed photograph--something that shows the photographer's experience in playing with light. Good job!
2nd pick - Entry 10 - Jane Woodhouse - "Breath of fresh air" - Canon Powershot A470
Quality -27/30
Creativity and Originality - 30/30
Theme Adaptation - 18/20
Overall Impression - 20/20
TOTAL - 95/100
Remarks: The totality of the picture is well-presented. I very much like the choice of camera angle and although it's "crowded", it leads your focus on the main subject being the darkest in the whole frame. The sun behind the subject produced a brilliant light that seems to cuddle all the objects together, making them a bit flooded on the edges to make the main subject come more "alive". I would have preferred a little bit darkness to the total presentation, but in one package I love the WHOLE picture as presented.
1st pick - Entry 4 - Lily Vinluan - "Lone young cherry" - Canon 600D
Quality -29/30
Creativity and Originality - 29/30
Theme Adaptation - 20/20
Overall Impression - 20/20
TOTAL - 98/100
Remarks: The photo itself is smooth and has excellent contrast, and the shadowy branches in the background seem to double as a shadow and gives added interest although not killing the main subject. I like the light color combination of the main focus (the flower) and the general background. It makes the viewer's eye feel as smooth as the photo itself--it didn't tire my eyes looking at it... over and over! Very nice indeed!
Judge 4
3rd pick - Entry 14 - Lennox TPC - "Glowing Through The Darkness" - Canon 60D
Quality - 30/30
Creativity and Originality - 23/30
Theme Adaptation - 20/20
Overall Impression - 18/20
TOTAL - 91/100
Remark: Great clarity, and love the dramatic contrast of the black background. The cropping/placement of the flower creates interest.
2nd pick -Entry 2 - Ric Tan - "Mimosa pudica " - Canon Powershot SX40HS
Quality - 30/30
Creativity and Originality - 28/30
Theme Adaptation - 20/20
Overall Impression - 19/20
POINT DEDUCTION: - 5 (watermark on entry)
TOTAL - 92/100
Remark: The quality, DOF, and colors in this macro shot make for a stunning photograph!
1st pick - Entry 19 - Eden Ee - "White lily with little frog" - Ixus 11OS
Quality - 30/30
Creativity and Originality - 29/30
Theme Adaptation - 20/20
Overall Impression - 20/20
TOTAL - 99/100
Remark: The clarity and lighting of this shot is beautiful. The photographer captured amazing ripples/light in the water, and the frog sitting there perfectly is a bonus!
Judge 5
3rd Pick - Entry 33 - Derlin Zhang - "Why you have to..." - Canon 5D2
Quality 27/30
Creativity 27/30
Theme Adaptation
Overall Impression
POINT DEDUCTION: - 5 (watermark on entry)
Remark: Although not as uniquely different, this shot sets a mood that wants one to learn more about the photo - as if there is a story that begs to be told as evident in its title.
2nd Pick - Entry 41 - Jennifer Hamilton - "Magnolia" - Nikon D3100
Quality 29/30
Creativity 28/30
Theme Adaptation
Overall Impression
Remark: A quite different approach to flower photography - I like the way the flower is presented in a design-like manner without taking away its life and essence as a flower. Creatively cropped, very nicely composed, too!
1st Pick - Entry 10 - Jane Woodhouse - "Breath of fresh air" - Canon Powershot A470
Quality -25/30
Creativity and Originality - 30/30
Theme Adaptation - 20/20
Overall Impression - 20/20
TOTAL - 95/100
A well thought and planned composition in a simple honest shot. Exceptional in the way it is presented without much photo whizbangs. Unique in its own way, a refreshing traditional approach but quite effective nevertheless. An honest to goodness "breath of fresh air" as it is so aptly entitled.