Tuesday, August 30, 2011

dp+ guidelines to non-photo posts to the group wall

Digital Photography Plus welcomes posts other than photos to our group wall.

This way, non-photographer members who are also connected to the photo industry (example photo equipment and gadget suppliers, galleries, photo labs, make-up artists, models, events planners, seminar and workshop organizers, etc.) get to announce their stuff on the group wall. It is a privilege we extend to our group members that should not be abused.

Here's dp+' guidelines to all announcements and ad-like posts:

1. As a courtesy to all other group members who also want to show their stuff - please DO NOT flood the group wall with announcement and advertisement-like posts.

2. Try to limit your postings so you won't monopolize the wall.

3. One post is enough for one message. Do not post the same stuff all over again in either group wall or as a comment to photo posts. There are many ways for your information to get through. You may post it with a photograph or try a different angle to your announcement.

4. Another tip is, if you want your post to get on top of the group wall feed, you can invite friends to join the group so they can comment on your post. Any comment gets your posted stuff on top of the group wall.

5. Announcements and advertisement like-post can only be shared on our group wall. Here is the link to our group wall: 

Please DO NOT post them on our official FB site with this link:

A general guideline to all posts NOT authored by the one posting: PLEASE CREDIT YOUR SOURCE. When sharing tips and interesting stories or links, please make sure that it is properly attributed. In the same manner that we want to be always credited when our photos are used by other people, please extend the same courtesy when we use other people's intellectual properties in our posts. 

At dp+ we treat each other as brothers and sisters in photography, simple courtesy and politeness will go far in terms of improving our relationship with everyone and towards achieving our personal goals. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

dp+ group site guidelines in sharing photos

photo by Omar Jordan de Guzman for Digital Photography Plus

dp+ is a photo sharing group, Membership is free and we welcome photo sharing from member photographers for them to get an overview of how their colleagues welcome their works. dp+ therefore assumes that all photo submissions to the group are original works of the posting photographer.

The following are NOT acceptable for posting to the group:

1. DO NOT post photos that are not your original work,

a. Only the owner of the photograph should post his or her own photos. Even if the photo is a friend's photo and even if you have the permission to post them, please refrain from doing so to avoid future complications.

b. Do not claim other photographer's photo as your own and share it with the group. It is not only unethical, it violates the copyright law.

c. Do not post other people's photo you edited or manipulated. The group is not about editing or photo manipulating, it is about your own photograph. Only post manipulated or edited photos that you yourself took.

d. Reproduction and mirroring of another photographer's image are not considered original work, it is not acceptable for posting.

2. dp+ accepts a good work of art, even nude photography is welcome. Just please DO NOT post pornographic images or those that are obscene, sexually explicit and provocative in nature.

3. dp+ does not allow defamatory or objectionable content or those who aim to induce hate, malign or cause harm to other's reputation. These are strictly unacceptable to the group.

4. dp+ assumes that all photographs posted to Digital Photography Plus Facebook Official Page* and Facebook Group* do not violate any intellectual property rights, trademarks, right to publicity or privacy, moral rights and the copyright law.

You are not only ruining your credibility as a photographer when you do this, repetitive violation (3 times) will block you from the group.

5.  The group is created as a photo rendezvous for all member photographers. Just as much as you want people to comment and Like your work, please also take the time to Like and give remark to other people's works. It is not a rule but a goodwill that would go a long way in assuring a pleasant relationship with other members.

Lastly, the group appreciates well meaning constructive criticism. The group is not created to be patronizing or just to praise photos or to have one's craving for appreciation to be instantly gratified. It aims to help "make more good pictures happen". It is through constructive criticism that we learn to improve our craft. It should not be taken as a personal affront or taken to be the only correct way in doing things. Please remember that it is just the opinion of one person and not the entire dp+ populace in general or the only perfect solution in doing things. 

Being appreciated for the critique though does not mean that one can use the privilege to abuse, humiliate or make a show off of one's skills. It only means that members are given the privilege to critique in order to help fellow members improve their craft. If the critique is important enough but something which can cause humiliation or affront to another member it can either be said through a personal message (NOT in the comment box where everyone can read) or NOT be said at all.

this is applicable to this site and the following dp+ site links:

*dp+ Official Facebook page link:

*dp+ Facebook Group link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/164854913587122/?ap=1

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a call for submission of self-portrait of dp+ members

photo by Allan Manalac of Allan Manalac
Attention all dp+ members:
please submit a photo of yourself photographing yourself as a self-portrait.
This is for posting to dp+ photo gallery of members.

Just post your photos to our official site with this link:

To view other photos on our photo gallery, please check out this link:

who can join dp+?

photo by Michael Tamura

dp+ is open to the following:

1. photographers - All kinds. This is the key people in this group. It doesn't matter whether you are a professional, an enthusiast or hobbyist, a newbie or an amateur as long as you have an itch to shoot photos. It doesn't matter whether you just shoot digital or film. It doesn't matter what format you use, and what brand of camera you prefer. It doesn't even matter if it is a pinhole or lomo or just a mobile phone pic, just as long as you produce images you'd be proud to affix you signature to, then you're in.

a self-portrait by Benjax Rivera

photo by Omar Jordn de Guzman
2. those who shop for good photographers - Prospective photo buyers are welcome to the group, whether you are involved in advertising or editorial, journalistic or commercial photography. If you want to shop around for a good photographer to assign projects to or if you merely want to learn what to look for in a good photograph or photographer for that matter, or learn the issues facing photographers these days, this group is also for you.

3. those who want their pictures taken - It includes models who want their pictures taken for their portfolio or just an average Joe or Mary who always want to have captured images of him- or herself that he/she can be proud of, or anybody who needs a well represented image of him or herself. This group is also for you.

4. those who are in any way connected to the photo industry - Like photo equipment and gadget suppliers, galleries, photo labs, events planners and organizers, etc., this is a targeted audience to show your stuffs. (Just try not to flood the wall with advertisement-like post or limit posting so you won't monopolize the wall.) This group is for you, too!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

bare expectations

photo by Benjax Rivera
A representative work by Benjax Rivera, one of the long standing members of Digital Photography PLUS way back when it was still a Friendster group in 2007.

Doing one of the things he loves best, nude photography, Bare Expectations is a sample of his creative style.

Monday, August 22, 2011

dp+ background information

2007 Digital Photography Plus image photo
photo by Gina Villanueva Uyan 
Digital Photography Plus started as a Friendster group in 2007 with over 1,400 members in different parts of the world. Its original format was forum-based where members can post and comment on various photography topics or issues, share tips and ideas, compare gears and gadgets, contribute photos, and have their photos assessed or given constructive criticism by fellow members. It is a venue where photographers whether professional, amateur or enthusiast exchange ideas and learn from each other, a place to showcase what set them apart to prospective clients, among many other things - a virtual place that paves the way to "make good pictures happen".

Unlike other groups, dp+ is not a demanding group. It does not require meetings and constant get-togethers since many of the members are outside the Philippines to physically participate.
As the name implies, it is NOT a group solely devoted to digital photography, the PLUS in all caps means that the group covers all forms of photography including film in its different formats. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

dp+ making good pictures happen

photo by Gina Villanueva Uyan
"You don't just happen to make good pictures, you make good pictures happen."
- Gina Villanueva Uyan

This is what sets apart really good photographers from the mediocre and "making good pictures happen" is what photography is really all about - which is what Digital Photography PLUS is all about. It is the site where we encourage good pictures to happen - to fluorish and grow.

Under the spirit of camaraderie, each one are brothers and sisters in photography sharing a common passion for their craft. It doesn't matter if you are an amateur or a newbie, a hobbyist or an enthusiast or a professional photographer. At Digital Photography PLUS we are all together as one family in the group with a common goal of inspiring each other to make good pictures happen and showcase it to let the world know.